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blogtop 3 donatable food bank items

Top 3 Items to Donate to the SkipTheDepot Holiday Food Drive!

Supporting your local food bank made easy this holiday season!

This holiday season SkipTheDepot has teamed up with the Calgary, Edmonton and Lethbridge Food Banks to run a digital food drive through the contactless bottle pickup service. With this holiday season being like no other, SkipTheDepot offers a great option for its customers to donate food bank items without leaving the comfort of their homes or apartments.

With the food drive running all throughout December, here are a couple entries from the Edmonton's Food Bank “Most Needed Items” list you can include in your next pickup with SkipTheDepot!

Pasta & Pasta Sauce

Pasta is an easy-to-make dish that is not only rich in carbs, but also preserves well. Did you know there are over 600 different types of pasta and it can be traced back to the 1100s! Here is a crash course in the types of pasta - CLICK HERE

Healthy School Snacks

No kid should go hungry at school. Snacks such as granola bars, juice boxes and fruit cups can go a long way to ensuring kids stay energized and ready to learn throughout the day. SkipTheDepot CTO Tom Gayef’s favourite school snack growing up was Hot Pockets!

Peanut Butter

Peanut butter is a great source of protein that can be paired with everything from fruit to veggies (have you tried peanut butter with celery sticks?). Did you know the average person will eat almost 3,000 PB & J sandwiches in their lifetime?

Honorable mentions

Here is a list of other non-perishable items you can donate with your pickup this holiday season: Beans with or without pork, canned fish or meat, baby formula, soup and canned fruit or vegetables!

People need a lot more than food donations!

When surfing the isles at your local grocery store, it is never a surprise when everything starts to add up. This is especially the case when searching for your favourite scented shampoo or a new razor blade.

Are you kidding me? 14 dollars for a new razor? Ridiculous!

Non-food items can be a challenge for families in need too. More often than not, when faced with the choice between hygiene products and food, people have to choose the food. For this reason, Food Banks also accept non-food product donations to help people get back on their feet.

Some hygiene products that go a long way are: toothpaste, toothbrushes, deodorant, shampoo, conditioner, soap, underwear, socks, shaving razors and shaving cream.

Feminine hygiene products are essential to consider too because items like tampons and pads can be quite expensive.

For families with small children, baby toiletries can also be a useful donation. Items like diapers, wipes, shampoo, soap and diaper cream are great additions to your donation list.

How can I get started?

Giving back this holiday season with SkipTheDepot is a breeze! Since January, SkipTheDepot has helped Albertans donate $420,000 to its 800+ non-profit partners. Want to donate your bottle funds to the food bank with your next pickup? Follow one of the links below to set up a donation pickup with SkipTheDepot!

Calgary Food Bank - https://app.skipthedepot.com/calgaryfoodbank

Edmonton’s Food Bank - https://app.skipthedepot.com/edmontonsfoodbank

Lethbridge Food Bank - https://app.skipthedepot.com/lethbridgefoodbank

We will be running this fun food drive from TODAY all the way through December 31st!

So what are you waiting for? Get started and let's support those who need it the most this holiday season!

Want to keep up to date on the Food Drive? Make sure to drop us a follow on Facebook, Twitter & Instagram to keep up-to-date on SkipTheDepot’s charity partners.

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