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bloglethbridge recycling the future starts today

Lethbridge Recycling | The Future Starts Today!

All Aboard the Recycling App of the Future! Image by Austin Knibb on Instagram shoot him a follow here -> https://www.instagram.com/austinknibb/

Skip the line (and the hassle) at Lethbridge Bottle Depots with SkipTheDepot!

The future of Lethbridge Recycling is now! Interested in upping your recycling game and supporting local charities from the comfort of your home? Look no further than SkipTheDepot - now in Lethbridge !

Okay, I am listening……Tell me more!

SkipTheDepot recycles everything from bottles and cans to electronics. All it takes is booking a pickup and one of our drivers will swing by and take care of the processing at one of our partner Lethbridge Bottle Depot locations.

The best part? After your recycling is counted, the funds will be added to your SkipTheDepot account which you can either redeem as an Interac e-Transfer or donate the funds toward a charity of choice!

"We’re really excited to launch our services to the folks in Lethbridge,” said James Trask, Co-Founder of SkipTheDepot. “It's a great opportunity to get some time and money back with a few taps on your phone.”

Let’s take a look at two of the local Lethbridge charities you can put your well-earned funds toward!

15th Lethbridge Scouts Canada Group

Scouts Canada is an organization many may be familiar with, but few understand the important role it plays in the communities it operates within. For over 100 years, Scouts Canada has brought the work old adventure, outdoors and friendship to 17 million kids nation wide. The Lethbridge 15th was formed in 1956 and has since provided youth aged 5-14 the opportunity to grow and achieve “firsts” every time the troop meets. You can learn more about the 15th Lethbridge Scouts now at https://www.15thlethbridgescouts.com/!


Dra’s Angels

Formed in 2019, Dra’s Angels are a social impact organization based in Lethbridge aimed at making sure no youth fall through the gap.

The organization is built on the four pillars of:

  • Every youth has a right to work
  • Every youth deserves to be loved
  • Ever youth deserves to be happy
  • Every youth deserves a community

Since its foundation, Dra’s Angles have provided support in the form of mentorship and through offering a listening ear to youth and young adults. Ready to give back to Dra’s Angels? Learn more now at https://drasangels.wordpress.com/2020/02/10/the-journey-begins/.


Donation Opportunities

With SkipTheDepot, putting your recycling funds toward these local charities is easier than ever. When scheduling your first pickup with SkipTheDepot, you’ll find a list of over 600 charity organizations across Alberta to donate to.

Additional Information

Book your pickup through the app and we'll stop by between 8 A.M. and 5 P.M. to pick it and recycle it for you. Interested in booking with us? We can now be found in 19 communities across Alberta!

We offer an array of services including:

Visit SkipTheDepot.com for more information or download the App now from the Google Play or Apple App Store!

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