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blogthe truth about clothing donations why charities that accept textile donations need to step up their recycling game

The Truth About Clothing Donations: Why Charities That Accept Textile Donations Need to Step Up Their Recycling Game

Ensure your clothing donations end up in the right hands!

Many of us are familiar with donating used clothing to charities. It seems like a win-win situation: we clear out our closets, and our clothing gets a 2nd life with others in need or with a tight budget. However, the truth about clothing donations is not always as straightforward as it seems. In this blog post, we'll explore how the clothing donation process works and why charities need to step up their textile recycling game. We'll also introduce SkipTheDeopt’s initiative to donate to your favourite charities and make a positive impact by bringing textile recycling near you.

Why is it important for charities to properly recycle unused clothing?

Charities give clothing to businesses like Value Village to be resold. According to Daily Hive, Value Village has multiple cases of increasing prices on their items to make a profit, making it extremely tough for people to access these donated items. If the clothing is not resold, it could end up at the dump. According to a CBC News report, 80-90% of donated clothing ends up in landfills.

Instead of donating to traditional charities, where clothing might end up in the landfill, consider alternative options for donating clothing, such as using SkipTheDepot's clothing bins. All the clothing donated through SkipTheDepot is given directly to a charity or textile recycling company. According to a Global News Report, 500 million kilograms of clothing end up in landfill each year. When clothing is not recycled correctly, it creates a severe problem; it ends up in landfills and generates toxic chemicals that are harmful to the environment. Clothes can decompose for up to 200 years and release toxic chemicals into the atmosphere.

Woman with clothing in landfill.

How can you donate clothing and ensure donations are used as effectively and ethically as possible?

If you want to make a difference with your clothing donations, consider finding a SkipTheDepot textile recycling bin near you or use our pickup service. With over 2,000 charity partners, you can feel confident your donation supports a cause that matters to you and that your clothing is used by those in need or recycled correctly.

Here are frequently asked questions about textile recycling:

Q: What kind of clothing can you recycle or donate?

A: All types of clean clothing, including shoes, bedding/towels, and bags.

Q: Are there any alternative donation methods that might be more effective at getting unused clothing into the hands of those in need?

A: Use a clothing recycling program like SkipTheDepot! SkipTheDepot ensures that all donated clothing is appropriately recycled or donated to those in need.

Q: What can charities do to improve their handling of used clothing donations and ensure that they are used responsibly and effectively?

A: Charities can partner with SkipTheDepot to properly recycle clothing donations or give them to people in need. This can help reduce the amount of clothing in landfills and promote sustainable living.

Q: Can we donate other items other than clothes?

A: We only accept clothing in our bins, but if you use our pickup service, we can pickup your electronics and bottle recycling as well!

SkipTheDepot Clothing Bin.

Feel good about where your donation is going to!

Clothing donations are more complex than they seem. While the intention to help others is admirable, it's important to consider these donations' impact on the environment.

SkipTheDepot offers convenient textile recycling bins and a pickup service to ensure that all donated clothing is appropriately recycled or donated to those in need, reducing the environmental impact and promoting sustainable living. Create an account on the website or download the app on the App Store or Google Play to schedule a pickup or find a bin near you.

What do you think? Is the downstream effects of textiles donations important to you? Will you use SkipTheDepot to donate your clothing in the future?

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